CardiacSimu : A Feasible Tool for Electrophysiological Study


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The CardiacSimu Team

Self Portrait Professor Daming Wei a master in cardiac simulation and computational model, the designer and code writer of cardiacmaster, a respectable scientist and the mentor of Alf.
Self Portrait Dr. Alfred Lu the designer and code writer of this project. He got his first doctor degree of E.E. in Fudan University, China in June, 2009 and his second doctor degree of C.S. in Aizu University, Japan in Sept, 2011. His interesting is on biomedical signal processing, biomedical informatics and computer biomedical modeling. See here for more details.
Self Portrait Miss Lu designer and maintainer of website of this project. She is skilled java engineer and a master of javescript, also she is Alf's lovely sister.
Self Portrait Dr. Xin Zhu co-researcher of Alf, a reviewer and co-author of Alf's paper on this project.

Other Major Contributors and Projects

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